Argument in a parking garage leads to shots fired in the Loop

Around 11:30 p.m. last night, police received an unusual call of shots fired while people were holding a party in a parking garage in the Loop neighborhood.

Argument in a parking garage leads to shots fired in the Loop

THE LOOP, Chicago - An argument in a parking garage lead to shots fired in the Loop overnight, authorities said.

Around 11:30 p.m. last night, police received an unusual call of shots fired while people were holding a party in a parking garage in the first block of S. Wacker Drive in the Loop neighborhood.

The situation sounded like it could have been a lot worse as police arrived to a hostile scene and there were multiple calls for more cars to the location and a call for a wagon. Fortunately for all, the situation calmed down relatively quickly.

After investigation at the garage, police found that a male and a female were having a verbal altercation when another unknown male attempted to intervene in the argument. After some further words, the unknown man then went to his vehicle to retrieve a handgun and began shooting in the victim’s direction. The man then fled the garage.

Police reportedly found at least 5 shell casings on the concrete floor of the garage.

A suspicious person was briefly detained but the victims reportedly had a good look at the suspect and ostensibly told police that person was not the individual who shot at them as police noted this morning that there is no one currently in custody.

No one was injured in the incident. Area Three detectives are investigating.

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